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Spring Boot - API Cantabile Fresco Play MCQs Answers

Spring Boot - API Cantabile Fresco Play MCQs Answers
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Spring Boot - API Cantabile Fresco Play MCQs Answers

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Spring Boot - API Cantabile Fresco Play MCQs Answers

Course Path: Microservices/CONSTRUCTION/Spring Boot - API Cantabile

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1.Which Spring annotation can be used to expose a controller as REST API?

  1. @Controller
  2. None of the options
  3. @RestAPIController
  4. @RestController

Answer: 4)@RestController

2.@RequestMapping(value = "/hospitals/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) How to get the value of id in controller method?

  1. @Variable("id")
  2. @PathVariable("id")
  3. None of the options
  4. @RequestVariable("id")
  5. @RequestMapping(“id�)

Answer: 2)@PathVariable("id")

3.Which is the class that has to be autowired with the controller class for invoking processes?

  1. Model
  2. Entity
  3. None of the options
  4. Service
  5. Any of the options

Answer: 4)Service

4.Spring Boot Microservices are loosly coupled, independent, constrained and abstracted.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: 1)True

Database Integration - Quiz

1.________ can be used to over a SQL as well as NoSQL database.

  1. Spring JPA
  2. None of the options
  3. Spring Data
  4. Spring JDBCTemplate

Answer: 3)Spring Data

2.Which specification allows ORM over RDBMS?

  1. Spring Persistence API
  2. Spring ORM API
  3. Java Persistence API
  4. Java ORM API

Answer: 3)Java Persistence API

3.Embedded database support has persistent data storage.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: 2)False

4.Embedded DB support is not available for ___________.

  1. H2
  2. Derby
  3. HSQL
  4. Oracle

Answer: 4)Oracle

5.What is the dependency to be added to configure JPA to Spring Boot Project?

  1. None of the options
  2. Spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
  3. Spring-boot-starter-jpa
  4. Spring-boot-starter-data

Answer: 2)Spring-boot-starter-data-jpa

Consuming REST Service - Quiz

1.What are the security techniques that can be used for Spring Boot Microservices?

  1. Oauth
  2. HTTP Digest
  3. None of the options
  4. HTTP Basic
  5. All the options

Answer: 5)All the options

2.Spring Boot offers ______ template to consume REST Services.

  1. RestTemplate
  2. MockMVC
  3. RestMVC
  4. None of the options

Answer: 1)RestTemplate

3.In Basic authentication, username and password are

  1. base64 encoded
  2. base16 encoded
  3. sha256 hashed
  4. RSA encrypted

Answer: 1)base64 encoded

4.Which is the correct format for HTTP Basic security technique?

  1. Authorization: dm9yZGVsOnZvcmRlbA==
  2. None of the options
  3. Authorization: Basic dm9yZGVsOnZvcmRlbA==

Answer: 3)Authorization: Basic dm9yZGVsOnZvcmRlbA==

5.Which is not a valid method in RestTemplate to get http request?

  1. getForObject
  2. getForEntity
  3. None of the options
  4. getForLocation

Answer: 4)getForLocation

Testing - Quiz

1.Which is the class level annotation that is used to test Repository class?

  1. @DataJpaTest
  2. @JpaTest
  3. All the options
  4. @DataTest
  5. None of the options

Answer: 1)@DataJpaTest

2._________ class has to be auto wired to the Repository test class to test Repository class.

  1. None of the options
  2. TestDataEntity
  3. Both the options
  4. TestEntityManager

Answer: 4)TestEntityManager

3.Which annotation can be used to run quick unit tests?

  1. @SpringBootTest
  2. @IntTest
  3. @IntegrateTest
  4. @SpringTest

Answer: 1)@SpringBootTest

4.In Spring Boot, unit testing can be done on ______ class.

  1. None of the options
  2. Repository
  3. Service
  4. Controller
  5. All the options

Answer: 5)All the options

5.What is the technique used to do unit testing on a Controller class?

  1. TestMvc
  2. None of the options
  3. RestMvc
  4. All the options
  5. MockMvc

Answer: 5)MockMvc

Spring Boot - Final Assessment

1.What are the template engine/engines that is/are not supported by Spring Boot?

  1. FreeMarker
  2. Thymeleaf
  3. Groovy
  4. None of the options
  5. All the options

Answer: 5)All the options

2.Which is the Spring Boot starter that has to be added to include Thymeleaf template engine?

  1. spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf
  2. None of the options
  3. Spring-boot-thymeleaf-starter
  4. Spring-boot-thymeleaf

Answer: 1)spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf

3.Which is the UI Web framework that is built to use Spring Boot?

  1. Bootstrap
  2. None of the options
  3. HTML KickStart.
  4. Vaadin
  5. SproutCore

Answer: 4)Vaadin

4.Http method Patch is used to ___________.

  1. Add a new entity
  2. Update an entity
  3. Delete an entity
  4. Modify an entity
  5. None of the options

Answer: 4)Modify an entity

5.Which is not a valid Cache provider supported by Spring Boot?

  1. Couchbase
  2. EhCache 2.x
  3. None of the options
  4. Redis
  5. Hazelcast

Answer: 3)None of the options

6.Integration testing can be done using _________.

  1. TestRestTemplate
  2. MvcTest
  3. TestTemplate
  4. MockMvc

Answer: 1)TestRestTemplate

7.Which is the Spring Boot annotation used for caching auto configuration?

  1. @Cache
  2. None of the options
  3. @Cacheable
  4. @CacheEnabled

Answer: 3)@Cacheable

8.Which is not a valid method in RestTemplate to http post request?

  1. postForObject
  2. None of the options
  3. postForLocation
  4. Both the options

Answer: 2)None of the options

9.Any configuration on Logback logging has to be done in ______.

  1. either or application.yml
  2. None of the options
  4. application.yml

Answer: 3)

10.This authentication/Authorization mechanism helps to access resource through third party resources.

  1. HTTP Basic
  2. None of the options
  3. X509
  4. Oauth

Answer: 4)Oauth

11.Which is the default logging file in springboot?

  1. logback
  2. log.log
  3. logback.log
  4. spring.log

Answer: 1)logback

12.What are the template engine/engines that is/are not supported by Spring Boot?

  1. Groovy
  2. Thymeleaf
  3. None of the options
  4. All the options
  5. FreeMarker

Answer: 3)None of the options

13.Repository class has to extend ______ class to get the implementation benefit of Spring Data.

  1. CrudRepository
  2. CrudRep
  3. No Class needs to extended
  4. CrudRepositoryTest

Answer: 1)CrudRepository

14.What is the Spring Boot starter that has to be added for logging?

  1. Spring-boot-logging-starter
  2. None of the options
  3. Spring-boot-logging
  4. spring-boot-starter-logging

Answer: 4)spring-boot-starter-logging

15.What is the annotation to be added for Entity class?

  1. @Entity
  2. None of the options
  3. @JPAEntity
  4. @DataEntity

Answer: 1)@Entity

16.What are the HTTP methods that cannot be implemented in Spring Boot Rest Service?

  1. Del
  2. Get
  3. Patch
  4. Post
  5. Put

Answer: 3)Patch

17.Service class added to Rest API should be annotated as _________.

  1. Any of the options
  2. @RestAPIService
  3. @Service
  4. @RestService
  5. None of the options

Answer: 3)@Service

18.Which is the Spring boot starter that has to be added to include Freemarker template engine?

  1. None of the options
  2. Spring-boot-freemarker
  3. spring-boot-starter-freemarker
  4. Spring-boot-freemarker-starter

Answer: 3)spring-boot-starter-freemarker

19.While implementing security, you need to add AuthenticationEntryPoint class to extend _______ class.

  1. AuthenticationEntry
  2. BasicAuthentication
  3. None of the options
  4. BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint

Answer: 4)BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint

20.Which is the dependency to be added to include basic security to the project?

  1. Spring-boot-security
  2. None of the options
  3. spring-boot-starter-security
  4. spring-starter-security

Answer: 3)spring-boot-starter-security

21.What is the method name to fetch all data for a entity from database in Repository class?

  1. None of the options
  2. findAllItems()
  3. findAll()
  4. getAll()

Answer: 3)findAll()

22.______ class does magic in Spring Data Integration implementation.

  1. Service
  2. JPARepository
  3. CrudRepository
  4. Repo

Answer: 4)Repo

23.Service class added to Rest API should be annotated as _________.

  1. None of the options
  2. @Service
  3. Any of the options
  4. @RestService
  5. @RestAPIService

Answer: 2)@Service

24.Which is the Spring Boot annotation used for caching auto configuration?

  1. None of the options
  2. @Cache
  3. @CacheEnabled
  4. @Cacheable

Answer: 3)@CacheEnabled

25.Which mechanism can be used to secure basic http or http digest authentications?

  1. None of the options
  2. Oath2
  3. SSL/TLS encryption
  4. Controller Based Authentication

Answer: 3)SSL/TLS encryption

26.Spring boot uses ___________ by default for logging.

  1. Loopback
  2. Logger
  3. None of the options
  4. Logback

Answer: 4)Logback

27.Annotation @PathVariable is used to _________.

  1. None of the options
  2. Map an entity
  3. Map a path URI
  4. Map an input param

Answer: 4)Map an input param

28.What are the Rest Template methods that can be used to handle any kind of request type?

  1. None of the options
  2. execute
  3. exchange
  4. Both the options

Answer: 4)Both the options


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  4. 4.Spring Boot Microservices are loosly coupled, independent, constrained and abstracted.


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