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Blockchain Intermedio Fresco Play MCQs Answers

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Blockchain Intermedio Fresco Play MCQs Answers

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Blockchain Intermedio Fresco Play MCQs Answers

Test Your Knowledge

1.Nodes are independent computing units of a distributed system.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: 1)True

2.Bitcoin is a public, permisionless blockchain.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: 1)True

3.Blockchain is a distributed______.

  1. Ledger
  2. Server
  3. System
  4. computer

Answer: 1)Ledger

4._____ are a collection of transactions bundled together to be added to a blockchain.

  1. Boxes
  2. Blocks
  3. Nodes
  4. Algorithms

Answer: 2)Blocks

5._____ contains hash of previous block and all the important information required by the block.

  1. block metadata
  2. block header
  3. block footer
  4. chain

Answer: 2)block header

6.What is the total number of bitcoins that can ever exist?

  1. 100 million
  2. 1 million
  3. 21 billion
  4. 21 million

Answer: 4)21 million

7._____ are a set of rules that verify and add transactions to a blockchain

  1. Mathematical formulas
  2. Consensus mechanisms
  3. Blocks
  4. Laws

Answer: 2)Consensus mechanisms

8.Which of these is a distributed ledger that doesn't utilize transaction blocks?

  1. Ripple
  2. Bitcoin
  3. Ethereum
  4. R3Corda

Answer: 4)R3Corda

9.Which type of blockchains are controlled by a particular person or organization?

  1. public
  2. personal
  3. private
  4. consortium

Answer: 3)private

10.What does C stands for in CAP theorem?

  1. Computation
  2. Capacity
  3. Consistency
  4. Correct

Answer: 3)Consistency

Test Your Knowledge

1.Which of the following is a Leader election-based consensus mechanism?

  1. Proof of Elapsed Time
  2. Proof of Work
  3. Proof of Stake
  4. Proof of Deposit

Answer: 2)Proof of Work

2.In ______ mechanism, the miner is selected based on reputation built over time.

  1. Stake-based
  2. Power-based
  3. Elapsed Time
  4. Reputation-based

Answer: 4)Reputation-based

3.Which consensus algorithm requires the users to have a stake in the blockchain?

  1. Proof of Elapsed Time
  2. Proof of Identity
  3. Proof of Stake
  4. Proof of Work

Answer: 3)Proof of Stake

4.Decentralized platforms do not require information to pass through a single point.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: 1)True

5.Permissioned blockchains usually use PBFT algorithms.

  1. False
  2. True

Answer: 2)True

6.Which release of Ethereum will have Proof of Stake Consensus algorithm.

  1. Juniper
  2. Serenity
  3. Casper
  4. Constantinople

Answer: 2)Serenity

Test Your Knowledge

1.Which style of programming is well suited for Smart Contract programming?

  1. Functional
  2. Modular
  3. Defensive
  4. Regular

Answer: 3)Defensive

2.What are the main tokens used as digital currency in Ethereum?

  1. Ether
  2. Bitcoin
  3. Litecoin
  4. Gas

Answer: 1)Ether

3.The following are smart contract programming languages, except _______.

  1. Serpent
  2. Solidity
  3. Viper
  4. Erlang

Answer: 4)Erlang

4.The following blockchains support smart contracts, except ______.

  1. Bitcoin
  2. Hyperledger Fabric
  3. Corda
  4. Ethereum

Answer: 1)Bitcoin

5.What are the tokens used as computational fee in ethereum blockchain?

  1. Gas
  2. Bitcoin
  3. Dollars
  4. Ether

Answer: 1)Gas

6.______ are systems that provide external data sources to smart contracts.

  1. Oracles
  2. Routers
  3. Fortunes
  4. Tokens

Answer: 1)Oracles

Test Your Knowledge

1.______ is a way of verifying the authenticity of digital messages and documents over the internet.

  1. Digital Imprint
  2. Digital Signature
  3. Password
  4. Fingerprint

Answer: 2)Digital Signature

2.A hash function should produce different output strings for the same input data.

  1. False
  2. True

Answer: 1)False

3._______ is a cryptographic method of converting any kind of data into a string of specified length.

  1. Dashing
  2. Encrypting
  3. Hashing
  4. Decrypting

Answer: 3)Hashing

4.Which type of cryptography uses two cryptographic keys?

  1. private
  2. asymmetric
  3. secure
  4. dual key cryptography

Answer: 2)asymmetric

5.Which type of cryptography is also called public key cryptography?

  1. public
  2. symmetric
  3. dual key cryptography
  4. asymmetric

Answer: 4)asymmetric

6.Which type of cryptography uses only private keys?

  1. asymmetric
  2. symmetric
  3. public
  4. private

Answer: 2)symmetric

Test Your Knowledge

1.Ethereum is a programmable blockchain.

  1. False
  2. True

Answer: 2)True

2.You can have private test networks in Ethereum.

  1. False
  2. True

Answer: 2)True

3._____ is a javascript library that allows you to interact with Ethereum.

  1. D3.js
  2. Angular
  3. jQuery
  4. Web3.js

Answer: 4)Web3.js

4.What are the two types of accounts in ethereum?

  1. secure, open
  2. External, contract
  3. Programmable, non programmable
  4. public, private

Answer: 2)External, contract

5.Which of the following blockchain is used for non currency, industrial application?

  1. Bitcoin
  2. Hyperledger
  3. Ethereum
  4. Litecoin

Answer: 2)Hyperledger

6.Which of the following is a Ethereum test network?

  1. testnet3
  2. testnet
  3. Ethertest
  4. Ropsten

Answer: 4)Ropsten

Final Assessment

1.In ______ mechanism, the miner is selected based on reputation built over time.

  1. Reputation-based
  2. Stake-based
  3. Elapsed Time
  4. Power-based

Answer: 1)Reputation-based

2.Hyperledger platform was developed by ______.

  1. Linux foundation
  2. IBM
  3. Microsoft
  4. Intel

Answer: 1)Linux foundation

3.What are the tokens used as computational fee in ethereum blockchain?

  1. Dollars
  2. Gas
  3. Ether
  4. Bitcoin

Answer: 2)Gas

4._____ is a mechanism that allows digital assets from one blockchain to be used as a separate blockchain.

  1. subchain
  2. forkchain
  3. Sidechain
  4. Bitcoin

Answer: 3)Sidechain

5.Ethereum is a public blockchain.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: 1)True

6.Which type of cryptography is also called public key cryptography?

  1. dual key cryptography
  2. public
  3. asymmetric
  4. symmetric

Answer: 3)asymmetric

7._____ is a software defining assets, and the transaction instructions modifying those assets

  1. Chaincode
  2. Transaction code
  3. Asset code
  4. Bytecode

Answer: 1)Chaincode

8.Nodes are independent computing units of a distributed system.

  1. False
  2. True

Answer: 2)True

9.What are the two types of nodes in Hyperledger Fabric?

  1. Personal and Private nodes
  2. Contract nodes and Account nodes
  3. Peer nodes and Ordering Nodes
  4. External nodes and Internal nodes

Answer: 3)Peer nodes and Ordering Nodes

10.Hyperledger Fabric is a private blockchain.

  1. False
  2. True

Answer: 2)True

11.______ are systems that provide external data sources to smart contracts.

  1. Oracles
  2. Fortunes
  3. Routers
  4. Tokens

Answer: 1)Oracles

12.Which style of programming is well suited for Smart Contract programming?

  1. Modular
  2. Defensive
  3. Regular
  4. Functional

Answer: 2)Defensive

13.What are the two main types of cryptography?

  1. Private, public
  2. Symmetric, Asymmetric
  3. Strict, not strict
  4. local, global

Answer: 2)Symmetric, Asymmetric

14._____ is a javascript library that allows you to interact with Ethereum?

  1. D3.js
  2. Angular
  3. jQuery
  4. Web3.js

Answer: 4)Web3.js

15.Which release of Ethereum will have Proof of Stake Consensus algorithm.

  1. Serenity
  2. Juniper
  3. Casper
  4. Constantinople

Answer: 1)Serenity

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