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JQuery FP MCQs Answers

JQuery FP MCQs Answers
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JQuery FP MCQs Answers

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JQuery FP MCQs Answers

Course Path: Modern Web Development/JS Libraries/jQuery

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Quiz on jQuery Introduction

1.jQuery code should be included within the ________ tag.

  1. heading
  2. anchor
  3. paragraph
  4. script

Answer: 4)script

2.jQuery is a popular JS library developed by ___________

  1. John Robert
  2. John Resig
  3. John Snow
  4. John Smith

Answer: 2)John Resig

3.Using CDN helps to load pages faster.

  1. False
  2. True

Answer: 2)True

4.All jQuery codes should be included within ________ function.

  1. initialize()
  2. ready()

Answer: 2)ready()

5.jQuery supports AJAX.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: 1)True

6.jQuery helps in ______ side scripting

  1. client
  2. server

Answer: 1)client

Quiz on Selectors and Filters

1.To filter based on condition, use __________

  1. eq()
  2. range()
  3. filter()
  4. slice()

Answer: 3)filter()

2.The following are all selectors, except ______

  1. id
  2. tag
  3. name
  4. class

Answer: 3)name

3.ID selector is used with _________

  1. $
  2. *
  3. .
  4. #

Answer: 4)#

4.To select a range of elements, use __________

  1. slice()
  2. eq()
  3. group()
  4. range()

Answer: 1)slice()

5.Class selector is used with ____________

  1. *
  2. @
  3. .
  4. $

Answer: 3).

6.To filter based on element index, use ____________

  1. slice()
  2. filter()
  3. eq()
  4. range()

Answer: 3)eq()

Quiz on Event Handling in jQuery

1.To add multiple events to an element, use ___________

  1. many()
  2. multiple()
  3. off()
  4. on()

Answer: 4)on()

2.Elements attached using live can be removed using ____________

  1. die()
  2. remove()
  3. dead()

Answer: 1)die()

3.To attach a handler to elements that will be added in the future, use _______

  1. event secure notes bureau
  2. event delegation
  3. event planner

Answer: 2)event delegation

4.To remove a handler from an event, use __________

  1. on()
  2. many()
  3. off()
  4. multiple()

Answer: 3)off()

5.To remove the focus from a form element, use _________

  1. removeFocus()
  2. focus()
  3. blur()

Answer: 3)blur()

6.preventDefault has two parameters.

  1. False
  2. True

Answer: 1)False

Quiz on DOM Manipulation and Animation Effects

1.To add delay in animation, use ____________

  1. time()
  2. duration()
  3. late()
  4. delay()

Answer: 4)delay()

2.Multiple animations will be executed in _________ fashion.

  1. circular
  2. queue
  3. stack

Answer: 2)queue

3.To add custom animation, use ___________

  1. animate()
  2. custom()
  3. animation()
  4. customAnimate()

Answer: 1)animate()

4.To delete only the child element of the selected element, use __________

  1. empty()
  2. val()
  3. html()
  4. remove()

Answer: 1)empty()

5.To read HTML content from a document, use _________

  1. html()
  2. val()
  3. remove()
  4. read()

Answer: 1)html()

6.To read value from a form element, use __________

  1. html()
  2. empty()
  3. remove()
  4. val()

Answer: 4)val()

Quiz on Utillities and AJAX

1.Which method helps you to replace $ with the keyword jQuery?

  1. replace()
  2. alternate()
  3. noConflict()

Answer: 3)noConflict()

2.To remove the unwanted whitespace, use __________

  1. remove()
  2. space()
  3. trim()
  4. whiteSpace()

Answer: 3)trim()

3.Use _________ for iteration over array and object.

  1. arrayIterate()
  2. objectIterate()
  3. iterate()
  4. each()

Answer: 4)each()

4._______ is used to send a request to the server, along with some data.

  1. post()
  2. get()
  3. load()

Answer: 1)post()

5.Which parameter of load()'s callback function has the data?

  1. responseTxt
  2. statusTxt
  3. xhr notes bureau

Answer: 1)responseTxt

6The function that will directly load content from the server into DOM is _________

  1. load()
  2. post()
  3. get()

Answer: 1)load()

Quiz on jQueryUI

1.jQueryUI has its own CSS library that can be used on a webpage.

  1. False
  2. True

Answer: 2)True

2.All the tab headings should be included within _________

  1. Both the options
  2. Either of the options

      Answer: 2)Either of the options

      3.To add custom effect, use __________

      1. customEffect()
      2. effect()
      3. animation()
      4. custom()

      Answer: 2)effect()

      4.To animate all the changes while adding a class, use ___________

      1. updateClass()
      2. animateClass()
      3. classChange()
      4. addClass()

      Answer: 4)addClass()

      5.The following are interactions available in jQueryUI, except _______

      1. sortable
      2. selectable
      3. draggable
      4. accordion()

      Answer: 4)accordion()

      6.To make a set of elements expandable and collapsible, use ____________

      1. select()
      2. colapse()
      3. accordion()
      4. expand()

      Answer: 3)accordion()

      jQuery Final Assessment

      1._________ is used to scroll vertically up to a particular pixel without triggering an event handler.

      1. scroll()
      2. silentScroll()
      3. verticalScroll()

      Answer: 2)silentScroll()

      2.jQuery supports AJAX.

      1. True
      2. False

      Answer: 1)True

      3.Can there be more than one ready function in jQuery?

      1. No
      2. Yes

      Answer: 2)Yes

      4.The function that will directly load content form server into DOM

      1. post()
      2. get()
      3. load()

      Answer: 3)load()

      5.Which among the following is a universal selector?

      1. #
      2. *
      3. @
      4. $

      Answer: 2)*

      6.jQuery code should be included within the ________ tag.

      1. script
      2. anchor
      3. heading
      4. paragraph

      Answer: 1)script

      7.preventDefault has two parameters.

      1. True
      2. False

      Answer: 2)False

      8.jQuery mobile can be used to develop hybrid apps. Notes Bureau

      1. True
      2. False

      Answer: 1)True

      9.To remove the focus from a form element, use __________

      1. removeFocus()
      2. focus()
      3. blur()

      Answer: 3)blur()

      10.________ is used to create a dropdown in jQuery mobile.

      1. dropdown
      2. select

      Answer: 2)select

      11.To read value from a form element, use __________

      1. html()
      2. empty()
      3. remove()
      4. val()

      Answer: 4)val()

      12.jQuery follows W3C standards.

      1. False
      2. True

      Answer: 1)False

      13.All the tab headings should be included within _________

      1. Either of the options
      2. Both the options

          Answer: 1)Either of the options

          14.To animate all the changes while adding a class, use ____________

          1. updateClass()
          2. animateClass()
          3. classChange()
          4. addClass()

          Answer: 4)addClass()

          15.To read HTML content from a document, use _________

          1. remove()
          2. html()
          3. val()
          4. read()

          Answer: 2)html()

          16.The Swipe event is triggered when a horizontal drag of _________ px or more occurs.

          1. 20
          2. 25
          3. 40
          4. 30

          Answer: 4)30

          17.To add multiple events to an element, use ___________

          1. many()
          2. on()
          3. off()
          4. multiple()

          Answer: 2)on()

          18.Use _________ for iteration over array and object.

          1. arrayIterate()
          2. objectIterate()
          3. each()
          4. iterate()

          Answer: 3)each()

          19.The following are all selectors, except ______

          1. id
          2. name
          3. class
          4. tag

          Answer: 2)name

          20.jQuery html() works for both HTML and XML.

          1. False
          2. True

          Answer: 1)False

          21.jQuery is a popular JS library developed by ___________

          1. John Resig
          2. John Smith
          3. John Snow
          4. John Robert

          Answer: 1)John Resig

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