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HTML5 Semantics Elements Fresco Play MCQs Answers

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HTML5 Semantics Elements Fresco Play MCQs Answers

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HTML5 Semantics Elements Fresco Play MCQs Answers

Course Path: Modern Web Development/WEB BASICS/HTML5 Semantic Elements

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HTML5 Page Basics

Q1.What is the HTML5 Stack?

1. HTML5, PHP, JavaScript

2. HTML5, CSS2, JavaScript

3. HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript


Answer: 3) HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Q2.Which HTML5 tag would you use to define footer?

1. foot

2. body

3. bottom

4. footer

Answer: 4) footer

Q3.What happens if you view a new HTML5 form input type in an older browser?

1. The page will not load

2. It reverts to standard text input

3. The form will not load

4. It does not show input

Answer: 2) It reverts to standard text input

Q4.What is the recommended method to detect browser compatibility for features?

1. Use Modernizr

2. Application automatically detects

3. Use navigator.UserAgent method

4. None of the options

Answer: 1) Use Modernizr

Q5.Which of the following input controls represents a date (year, month, day) encoded according to ISO 8601 in Web Form 2.0?

1. date

2. datetime

3. datetime-local

4. month

Answer: 1) date

Q6.Which of the following tag represents an independent piece of content of a document in HTML5?

1. article

2. section

3. nav

4. footer

Answer: 1) article

Input Control Types

Q1.What are the new form elements introduced in HTML5?

1. optgroup, button, keygen

2. datalist, keygen, output

3. optgroup, button, datalist

4. datalist, keygen, button

Answer: 2) datalist, keygen, output

Q2.Which of the following attributes triggers events when a form changes?

1. onforminput

2. onedit

3. onchange

4. onformchange

Answer: 4) onformchange

Q3.Which of the following tags represents a section of a document used for navigation?

1. navigation

2. footer

3. section

4. nav

Answer: 4) nav

Q4.Which of the following tags are no longer valid in HTML5?

1. align

2. span

3. div

4. p

Answer: 1) align

Q5.Which Semantic element is best suitable for content, like a blog post, that is self-contained, independent, and can be republished?

1. div

2. aside

3. section

4. article

Answer: 4) article

HTML5 Multimedia

Q1.Audio element can be programmatically controlled from __________

1. JavaScript


3. CSS

4. HTML or CSS or JavaScript

Answer: 1) JavaScript

Q2.HTML5 audio tag has a number of attributes to control the look and feel and various functionalities of the audio player. The following are attributes of HTML5 audio element, except ________

1. controls

2. stop

3. autoplay

4. src

Answer: 2) stop

Q3.Which attribute of the video tag specifies an image to be shown while the video is downloading?

1. fig

2. poster

3. src

4. img

Answer: 2) poster

Q4.You can embed a video player using __________

1. source

2. iframe

3. src

4. vid

Answer: 2) iframe

Q5.The controls attribute adds audio/video controls like PLAY, PAUSE and VOLUME.

1. False

2. True

Answer: 2) True

HTML5 Graphics

Q1.Scalable Vector Graphics are defined in which markup language?

1. Native HTML

2. HTML5


4. XML

Answer: 4) XML

Q2.The following are true about Canvas, except __________

1. Canvas draws graphics on the fly using JavaScript

2. Canvas is well suited for intense graphics

3. Canvas renders graphics pixel by pixel

4. Each shape in Canvas is looked at as an object

Answer: 4) Each shape in Canvas is looked at as an object

Q3.Which is best suited for applications with large rendering areas, like Google maps?

1. Canvas and SVG

2. Canvas

3. None of the options

4. SVG

Answer: 4) SVG

Q4.The following are true about SVG graphics, except ________

1. Graphics in SVG are defined using JavaScript

2. SVGs do not lose quality when zoomed

3. Graphics in SVG are defined in XML

4. SVG is mostly used for graphs

Answer: 1) Graphics in SVG are defined using JavaScript

Q5.SVG is mostly useful for vector type diagrams like _________

1. 3D Graphs

2. Charts and 2D Graphs

3. Charts and 3D Graphs

4. 2D Graphs

Answer: 2) Charts and 2D Graphs


Q1.Which of the following APIs can be used to suggest nearby restaurants in a restaurant finder app?

1. Web Workers

2. Local Storage

3. Geolocation API

4. Cache API

Answer: 3) Geolocation API

Q2.Which of the following new features of HTML5 can be used for long running tasks?

1. App Cache

2. Web Sessions

3. Local Storage

4. Web Workers

Answer: 4) Web Workers

Q3.Which of the following statements about Modernizr is true?

1. It tries to find which browser is being used

2. It detects which features the browser supports

3. It augments browser features to support HTML5

4. It modernizes the older browsers

Answer: 2) It detects which features the browser supports

Q4.Application Cache enables __________

1. Reduction of Server Load

2. Higher Speed

3. Offline Browsing

4. All the options

Answer: 4) All the options

Q5.Websites can store data on the user's computer using Web Storage. How is Web Storage different from Cookies?

1. Can store more data

2. More secure

3. Web Storage is faster

4. All the options

Answer: 4) All the options

HTML5 Final Assessment

Q1.SVG graphics lose quality if they are zoomed or re-sized.

1. False

2. True

Answer: 1) False 

Q2.HTML5 is Backward Compatible.

1. False

2. True

Answer: 2) True 

Q3.Which HTML5 tag would you use to define footer?

1. body

2. footer

3. bottom

4. foot

Answer: 2) footer 

Q4.Which of the following attributes triggers event when an element is dragged?

1. ondragdrop

2. ondragenter

3. ondragevent

4. ondrag

Answer: 4) ondrag 

Q5.Which of the following tags represents an independent piece of content of a document in HTML5?

1. footer

2. article

3. nav

4. section

Answer: 2) article 

Q6.Which of the following input controls represents a date (year, month, day) encoded according to ISO 8601 in Web Form 2.0?

1. date

2. month

3. datetime-local

4. datetime

Answer: 1) date 

Q7.SVG is mostly useful for vector type diagrams like _________

1. 2D Graphs

2. Charts and 2D Graphs

3. Charts and 3D Graphs

4. 3D Graphs

Answer: 2) Charts and 2D Graphs

Q8.Which attribute of the video tag specifies an image to be shown while the video is downloading?

1. fig

2. img

3. poster

4. src

Answer: 3) poster

Q9.What are the new form elements introduced in HTML5?

1. datalist, keygen, button

2. datalist, keygen, output

3. optgroup, button, datalist

4. optgroup, button, keygen

Answer: 2) datalist, keygen, output

Q10.Which of the following attributes triggers event when the window loses focus?

1. lostfocus

2. onbeforeload

3. onlastfocus

4. onblur

Answer: 4) onblur

Q11.SVG is a __________

1. Semantic Element

2. Graphic Element

3. Form Element

4. Multimedia Element

Answer: 2) Graphic Element

Q12.It is mandatory that the doctype declaration is the first line of every HTML5 page.

1. True

2. False

Answer: 1) True

Q13.Which is best suited for applications with large rendering areas, like Google maps?

1. Canvas and SVG

2. None of the options

3. Canvas

4. SVG

Answer: 4)  SVG

Q14.HTML5 tags are case sensitive.

1. No

2. Yes

Answer: 1) No

Q15.Which of the following attributes triggers events when a form changes?

1. onchange

2. onforminput

3. onformchange

4. onedit

Answer: 3) onformchange

Q16.Audio element can be programmatically controlled from _________

1. JavaScript

2. HTML or CSS or JavaScript


4. CSS

Answer: 1) JavaScript

Q17.Semantic HTML5 elements allows data to be shared and reused across applications, enterprises, and communities.

1. True

2. False

Answer: 1) True

Q18.Which of the following are supported by HTML5?

(I) Uppercase tagnames (II) Quotes are optional for attributes (III) Attribute values are optional (IV) Closing Empty elements is optional





Answer: 3) I,II,III,IV

Q19.The following are LocalStorage functions, except ________

1. getItem()

2. removeItem()

3. getElementbyID()

4. setItem()

Answer: 3) getElementbyID()

Q20.The following are suited for game applications, except _________

1. None of the options

2. SVG

3. Canvas

4. Canvas and SVG

Answer: 2) SVG

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تعليقان (2)

  1. What happens if you view a new HTML5 form input type in a n older browser -:
    I- The page will not load.
    II - The form will not load
    III- It does not show input
    IV- It reverts to standard text input.
    1. Answer-It reverts to standard text input.

      All Question of the Quiz Present Above for Ease Use Ctrl + F to find the Question.

      Suggestion: If you didn't find the question, Search by options to get a more accurate result.
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